Window Treatments & Soft Furnishings

Are you after bespoke expert service for your window and home furnishings needs?

With many years of experience in the window furnishings industry I can come to you and provide expert interior design advice, quotations and installation for a full range of window furnishing products that will work best in your home.

I can also provide solutions for bed heads, cushions, new upholstery items and re-covering of fabrics on furniture to work in with your window needs. It can be for one room or for the whole house.

Depending on your needs the onsite consultation will take 1-2 hours and I will follow up with samples and further advice as required. The consultation fee with samples and a quote provided is $250-$550 spending on the size of the project. From here you will have all the details and samples for your fabrics so you will be able to obtain further quotes if you prefer.